Title: Also by the heart Characters: Bobby (& John) Genre: gen Rating: PG Word Count: 101 Summary: There is one thing Bobby refuses to believe might not be the truth.
Fandom : X-Men Characters : Bobby/John Ghost of the Present Summary : - The ghost, John! Which one would you choose? I roll my eyes. He didn’t forget about the question I didn’t answer earlier. If I could which Dickens’s ghost would I choose to meet : Past, Present or Future?
Title: Valor Featuring: Bobby Drake, implied Bobby&John Rating: PG Word Count: 100 words Summary: In the aftermath of terrorism, Bobby has a conversation with his teachers. Notes: This can be read as a prequel to Bridges but it also stands alone.
Title: fire and ice Author: tigriswolf Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: AU for X2 Pairings: implied Pyro/Iceman Rating: PG Wordcount: 65 Point of view: third Prompt: X-Men, Pyro/Iceman, both are with Magneto
Title: phoenix arising Fandom: X-Men movieverse Author: tigriswolf Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: movieverse Pairings: implied John/Bobby Rating: PG Wordcount:110 Point of view: third Prompt: Pyro/Iceman, Do yourself a favor, save yourself, don't pick me, find someone else
Title: I’ll be seeing you Fandom: X-Men movieverse Author: tigriswolf Disclaimer: not my characters Warnings: none Pairings: none stated Rating: PG Wordcount: 150 Point of view: third Prompt: Pyro/Iceman, even though they’re enemies now, John would never reject Bobby
Title: The Future Is Bright Rating: PG-13 Author: Moi, blackeyedwicca Pairing: John/Bobby Chapter: Drabble Summary: Mr Summers looked at the brown lamp somewhat flabbergasted as it glowed brightly - John seemed to be irritated, which was quite understandable considering he’d been turned into an object. Beta: I have no one. If there are any errors please point
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